Posts Tagged ‘Healthlands Gym’

  1. Mirror, mirror on the wall…

    September 17, 2014 by Joo-Lee

    Last month we held our third ‘Brush Up’ workshop in a mirrored fitness studio at Healthlands Gym – it was time to take a good look at ourselves and reflect upon our dancing!

    Fourteen dancers signed up to smooth out their dance technique and polish their moves with the hope of achieving a shinier finish… okay, okay, enough of the wordplay.

    In July we talked a lot about feedback and encouraged everyone to ask for feedback and also to carry out ‘self-feedback’. When our ‘Brush Up’ group first entered the studio, what we found interesting was that some people were trying to find a hiding place away from the mirrors! In my opinion there are two thinking habits responsible for this:


    Thinking Habit No.1

    “I don’t want to see what I look like.”


    Why not?


    Cue Thinking Habit No. 2

    “I don’t want to make mistakes.”

    Why not? I believe that we need to change these thinking habits. If we don’t look at ourselves whilst we dance how do we know what looks good, what doesn’t look good or what we’d like to change? If we try to avoid mistakes or are afraid of making them how do we learn from them and improve?

    Mirrors are so useful! Instead of imagining what you look like when you dance just take a look in the mirror and see for yourself. I can guarantee you won’t look as bad as you think and it’s a great way to improve your dancing. If your posture looks bad, for example, then a tweak here and there could make all the difference.

    So, take a look to see what areas you need to “Brush Up” and come along to the next workshop at the Globe, Newcastle.