July, 2024

  1. Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone: Learning to Ride a Bicycle

    July 25, 2024 by Joo-Lee

    How did you feel as a beginner? What advice can you give me? For the past 12 weeks, I’ve been gearing up to learn to ride a bicycle. With just one week left before I push myself even further by cycling with others in Bordeaux, I’m feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. It’s one thing to practice on a spacious, empty running track, but the thought of navigating real-world scenarios makes my heart race and my mind conduct a constant risk assessment.

    Learning to ride a bike as an older adult has been both challenging and enlightening. It’s made me reflect on what it feels like to be a beginner again, and how our fears can sometimes be exaggerated. This experience has also reminded me of when I first started dancing. Many of us felt awkward and self-conscious, worrying about making mistakes or looking silly.

    However, just like with dance, each wobble on the bike is a step towards gaining confidence. It’s all about persistence and allowing ourselves the grace to be imperfect. Our fears often stem from the unknown and the pressure we put on ourselves to get it right the first time. But remember, it’s okay to make mistakes – that’s how we learn and grow.

    In dance, as in cycling, it’s important to focus on the joy of the activity rather than the fear of failure. When we let go of our fears, we open ourselves up to new experiences and the chance to build wonderful memories. So, whether you’re learning to ride a bike, starting a new dance routine, or trying something completely different, embrace the journey and the lessons it brings.

    I’d love to hear your experiences and any tips you might have! What advice can you share about overcoming the fear of being a beginner? Let’s support each other in stepping out of our comfort zones and discovering the joys that lie beyond.

  2. Embrace the Full Experience: The Value of Committing to a 6-Week Lindy Jazz Course

    July 7, 2024 by Joo-Lee

    We’re all excited about our upcoming cruise this summer! Just as this holiday promises an all-inclusive experience where everything is taken care of, our 6-week Lindy Jazz courses offer a complete and rewarding learning journey. Here’s why committing to our courses can be just as wonderful as our all-inclusive holiday!

    The All-Inclusive Holiday Experience

    Think about the cruise where your room, food, drinks, activities, and excursions are all included. You can choose to enjoy as much or as little as you like. Some might eat and drink more, while others might join in more activities. The best part is having the freedom to balance your experience, making sure it’s enjoyable and not overwhelming.

    Remember, you don’t need to eat and drink everything on holiday or attend every class in the course or learn every move. You have choices!

    Our 6-week Lindy Jazz courses are similar. When you commit to the full course, you get:

    • Consistent Learning and Skill Building: Just as you wouldn’t want to miss any part of an all-inclusive holiday, the continuity of a 6-week course ensures you don’t miss important learning moments. Each week builds on the previous one, allowing you to improve steadily.
    • Dedicated Community: Being part of a group that commits together enhances the learning experience. You grow and improve alongside your peers, creating a supportive and motivating environment.
    • Comprehensive Resources: Our courses are not just about attending weekly classes. You get access to online videos to recap moves, a private Facebook Messenger group for any questions, and optional online feedback on your practice videos. This complete approach ensures you have everything you need to succeed.

    The Drawbacks of Dropping In and Out

    In the past, we offered drop-in classes where dancers could come and go as they pleased. While this might seem flexible, it didn’t provide the same level of improvement that our 6-week courses do. Dropping in and out disrupted the flow of learning, making it harder to build a strong foundation and progress consistently.

    The Power of Commitment

    Those who have committed to our 6-week courses have seen big improvements in their dance skills. Here’s why:

    • Structured Learning Path: Each class is part of a well-planned curriculum that ensures you learn the basics and build on them week by week.
    • Reinforcement and Practice: With access to online materials, you can practise between classes, reinforcing what you’ve learned and coming back stronger each week.
    • Personalised Feedback: Our private Facebook Messenger group and optional video feedback provide chances for personalised guidance, helping you refine your technique and overcome challenges.

    What You Get in Our 6-Week Courses

    To remind you of the fantastic value included in our 6-week courses, here’s a breakdown of what you receive:

    • For all levels: 19:30 – 20:15 Swing Dance Fundamentals
    • For Experienced Dancers: 20:15 – 21:00 Extra Class
    • Access to online videos to help you recap the moves between classes or catch up in case you couldn’t attend
    • Access to a private Facebook Messenger group so you can ask about anything!
    • Optional online feedback on your practice videos

    Final Thoughts

    Just like the cruise, our 6-week courses are designed to be an all-inclusive experience where you get the most out of your time and effort. Committing to the full duration allows you to truly immerse yourself in the learning process, ensuring you walk away with significant improvements and a deeper understanding of Lindy Jazz.

    We encourage each of you to embrace this commitment. Whether you can attend every class or master every move, the journey itself will bring about amazing results.

    Click here to see the details of the next Lindy Jazz course.

  3. 6 or 8 Count?

    July 1, 2024 by Joo-Lee

    Are you a fan of ‘6-count’ patterns, ‘8-count’ patterns, or do you love to mix it up a bit? Remember, you always have options, especially if you’re leading the dance. If you’re following, we encourage you to let go and enjoy the flow. Forget about thinking ahead and just bounce in sync with your partner, feeling the rhythm and movement. My motto for following is simple: “Feel more and think less.”

    For those leading the dance, ‘6-count’ and ‘8-count’ patterns are great for practice, but remember that Lindy Hop is based on a 2-beat count.

    If you wish to be in 6 or 8 count for the entire dance, that’s perfectly fine. If you have no idea whether you are dancing in phrases of 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 beats when social dancing, that’s fantastic as it doesn’t matter!

    In class, just count along or scat with your teachers and fellow dancers. Don’t overanalyse as too much thinking can be distracting.

    A crucial tip: resist the urge to assess your own dancing skills (and that of your partner’s 😉). Self-assessment and being assessed can be incredibly distracting. The best way to improve is to simply show up, enjoy the classes, and immerse yourself in the dance.

    If you have musical skills from other genres, try not to overthink how jazz phrasing fits with the 6 or 8-count practice patterns. And if you’re more familiar with melodies than rhythms, focus on tuning into the rhythm.

    Above all, keep moving, keep counting, and keep smiling. Enjoy every moment on the dance floor and remember to think less and feel more!

    Happy dancing!