Three Qualities You MUST HAVE to dance well

January 5, 2021 by Joo-Lee


Ever wonder why some people can pick up dance easily, while others seem to struggle? 

Or why some understand what’s going on in a class while others only get a vague idea? 

We’ll give you a hint – it has NOTHING to do with how hard they work to memorise moves!

The main reason your moves might not be working as well as you want is your MOVEMENT. 

Being able to move with ease is the secret to dancing well. Repeat after me: “Movement is not the same as moves”. Movement is about learning to move well. Moves are a bunch of patterns and sequences.

You can have movement without moves – but you cannot have moves without movement.

So what’s the secret for moving with EASE? 

Here are the 3 Core Qualities of Moving with EASE: 

1. Relax — If you are trying too hard and you grip your hips, your hands, your shoulders etc, or carry too much tension…. You will feel stiff. You will look stiff. Gripping and tensing will make it harder for you to move. Dancers who are relaxed look so cool. They make everything look so easy. That is because it’s easy (or easier) when you relax! Trying to force a move is a recipe for creating tension.

2. Release — When you allow yourself to relax, your body is ready to move and your mind is ready to take in the information given to you in class. If you can relax, then the next step you can take is to RELEASE and that means letting go of tension and very importantly, letting go of the need to get everything right, right now. Allow yourself to miss a few things, stumble a little and feel like you don’t know everything. If you can release the need to be in full control all of the time, you will start to ‘get it’

3. Receive — When you let go of the need to be right, to be in control and to make sense of everything, you will start to receive the information in class. When you can RELAX and then RELEASE the need to be right all of the time, you will be in a more receptive mood and you will take in more of the information shared with you. 

Focus on relaxing and releasing and your dance will flow with natural ease.

So go ahead, and give yourself the chance to let go and not have to know anything prior to joining a dance class.

P.S. Have a specific dance question or want some feedback? Email us and we’d love to chat. 

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