1. “You don’t have to hide in the car texting” – Sarah & John Aitchison

    October 10, 2014 by Joo-Lee

    Sarah and John run Shieldhall, a guesthouse near Wallington Hall. Set on 10 acres of beautiful Northumberland countryside, they live there with their 2 daughters, 12 chickens, 2 dogs and a cat. Sarah and John came to the Dance Doctor with 4 left feet (2 each) and were kind enough to share their experience of learning to swing dance with us.

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    “Definitely do it, honestly, because nobody could be more nervous or shaky about it than I was. Even if you just try one lesson, you’ve got nothing to lose but so much to gain”

    Sarah grew up in Shieldhall (which became a guesthouse when people kept calling in to ask if they did B&B) and until recently it was home to 4 generations of “fiery redheads”; Sarah’s grandmother, mother, herself and her 2 daughters. She says the last thing she wanted to do was run it but then she “got old” (she’s anything but), married, had children and decided it would be nice! She and John took over about 6 years ago.

    As a child Sarah did Ballet and Scottish Country dancing but was made to feel like she couldn’t dance. The feeling of wanting to dance never really went away and now in her 30’s (I told you she wasn’t old), Sarah has decided to start learning again. Her aim is for herself and John to enjoy social dancing and be able to put music on and just dance.

    It was quite simply a love of Swing dancing and music that drew Sarah to Lindy Jazz but on the first night she came to class, she hid in the car park and didn’t come in! That same night, she sent Joo-Lee a text and after one private lesson she was hooked, “it was like you had a little taste of what you could achieve. It made me think, maybe I’ve got the potential to learn to dance when all those years I thought I couldn’t”

    Sarah’s fond of the funny memories, in particular John’s interpretation of the ‘Mess Around’! However, her best memory is dancing with Joo-Lee and “thinking, I got around the room, that feeling that I’m dancing. Sometimes it all goes to pot because suddenly you think, oh, I’m dancing! But it’s that feeling, they’re definitely the happiest memories”.

    The most unexpected thing for Sarah has been the emotional side of learning to dance. She expected it to be a physical experience but at times has been in fits of giggles or tears, and felt both incredibly happy and sad. “It kind of affects all of you. It’s been revealing about myself, my personality, my confidence, my weaknesses and my strengths”.

    After being told she had no rhythm as a child (I know, how mean is that), Sarah thought it was something she couldn’t learn, that people had natural rhythm and could just dance, or not dance. Now she thinks it’s about self-belief and that, with patience and a good teacher you can find your own rhythm and enjoy dancing. “You don’t have to hide in the car texting… I would say definitely go for it”.

    Sarah is most proud of the fact that dancing has become a way of life for her, that it’s something she and John can do together and that she can now say ‘I go dancing’. She says it’s part of her routine and that if she is away for any length of time she misses it.

    We talked a lot about Sarah’s fears of not belonging and standing out, “often what stops me from dancing is what I think. It’s not my feet, it’s my own fears and anxieties”. Despite it often being overwhelming and difficult, Sarah now feels she has “accepted the fear” and can “choose to override it” and enjoy herself. If you can get through the door it’s not as bad as you think it’s going to be”

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    “The advantage of Lindy Jazz is the fact that once you master a few dance moves what you can do is you can mix those moves together in tune with the music that’s been played and you can do it yourself”

    John has worked as a Police Officer for 28 years. During this time he spent 7-years as a mounted policeman, learning to ride specifically for this reason. He finds his job rewarding but is looking forward to ‘retiring’ next year so he can focus on his other full time job, running Shieldhall with Sarah. John enjoys anything to do with the outdoors including cycling, walking and fishing.

    As a couple, Sarah and John were looking for something they could do together. After considering a number of options they agreed on dancing and they’ve never looked back! John says they both enjoy it and get a lot out of it. Their aim is to feel confident and comfortable enough to dance the night away at this year’s ‘Snowball’.

    John says Sarah identified Joo-Lee and Lindy Jazz as a possibility and the reason they’ve stuck with the ‘Dance Doctor’ is because she offered private lessons. At the time they didn’t feel comfortable joining a class but now, with the individual tuition they’ve received, their confidence is growing and they’re feeling happy and relaxed!

    John’s favourite memory comes from when Joo-Lee was demonstrating how Sarah could pick up on signals and subtle movements from her lead, allowing her to dance without a set routine. He was fascinated to find he and Sarah could do this too, “We were literally dancing in synchrony. It was wonderful. We were dancing, I didn’t think we could but we were”. 

    The most unexpected thing for John has been the “beneficial effect beyond just doing the dancing”. John says doing something that they share and enjoy together is “very positive and constructive” and has brought he and Sarah closer together, strengthening their relationship.

    To John Swing Dancing isn’t as structured or restrictive as other forms of dance, “it’s more fluid and it’s certainly, I think, potentially more gratifying”. Although not easy, he says that by mastering a couple of basic steps you can really begin to enjoy dancing. Private lessons have helped to build his confidence and he would encourage others to try it.

    John says he’s most proud that he and Sarah have found something they can share. He says, “life being life, you don’t necessarily have exactly the same interests so the biggest achievement for me, was finding something that we both genuinely enjoy and do together and that for me, that’s great, that’s it”.

    The biggest challenge for John was, “fitting in dancing”. Although he says with the nature of their jobs they’re lucky enough to occasionally find time to themselves in the afternoon, between John’s shifts, Sarah’s guesthouse duties and the school run – where there’s a will there’s a way!

    Do you have a problem with 2 left feet? Why not make an appointment with the Dance Doctor and see what she can prescribe for you! Visit the website for more information.

  2. Mirror, mirror on the wall…

    September 17, 2014 by Joo-Lee

    Last month we held our third ‘Brush Up’ workshop in a mirrored fitness studio at Healthlands Gym – it was time to take a good look at ourselves and reflect upon our dancing!

    Fourteen dancers signed up to smooth out their dance technique and polish their moves with the hope of achieving a shinier finish… okay, okay, enough of the wordplay.

    In July we talked a lot about feedback and encouraged everyone to ask for feedback and also to carry out ‘self-feedback’. When our ‘Brush Up’ group first entered the studio, what we found interesting was that some people were trying to find a hiding place away from the mirrors! In my opinion there are two thinking habits responsible for this:


    Thinking Habit No.1

    “I don’t want to see what I look like.”


    Why not?


    Cue Thinking Habit No. 2

    “I don’t want to make mistakes.”

    Why not? I believe that we need to change these thinking habits. If we don’t look at ourselves whilst we dance how do we know what looks good, what doesn’t look good or what we’d like to change? If we try to avoid mistakes or are afraid of making them how do we learn from them and improve?

    Mirrors are so useful! Instead of imagining what you look like when you dance just take a look in the mirror and see for yourself. I can guarantee you won’t look as bad as you think and it’s a great way to improve your dancing. If your posture looks bad, for example, then a tweak here and there could make all the difference.

    So, take a look to see what areas you need to “Brush Up” and come along to the next workshop at the Globe, Newcastle.





  3. Progressing with Lindy Levels

    September 11, 2014 by Joo-Lee

    From October 2014 we’re introducing dance levels at Lindy Jazz Club, mainly in Lindy Hop. The reason behind this is so that people can feel clearer about where they are with their own dancing and where they would like to progress to.

    All sorts of things affect our progress when we learn anything, especially with dancing. Recently I read a book called “The Inner Game of Music” where the author talks about a formula called: “Performance equals potential minus interference”.

    We all have a huge amount of potential to be great dancers. Sometimes we go to more workshops in order to increase our level of performance when actually one of the things we can look at is our interference or barriers, things that stop us from learning, such as, time; self-belief; fear and health.

    We’re not judging people’s dance ability from a competitive or performance perspective. We don’t want our dancers to ‘prove’ they’re good at dancing; we just want them to develop an awareness of their own ability, which is the reason we’re bringing in this idea of levels.

    Here are Andy’s thoughts on levels.

    “Every workshop we do helps us with some essential skills, taking us another little step along the way. It’s very easy to think that you can go to a workshop and suddenly go from say a Level B to a Level C but we can’t expect to come out of the workshop elevated in our dancing, or at least permanently elevated, no matter how the workshop has changed us in the short term.

    The thing with advancing in Lindy or any other dance form, I believe, is that it takes solid practice. Most of us have busy lives and we don’t have the time to devote to practicing day in day out, so our progress is actually quite slow. With nicely defined class levels people can have a degree of confidence in knowing where they are in terms of progress”

    As the community grows we need to meet the expectations of different types of dancers. In a partner dance class you are dancing in the rotation, so what’s important to us is that every dancer develops their own clear awareness of where they are, so as not to hold themselves or their partner back.

    If you are, for example, a Level C dancer, you may expect everyone in the Intermediate class to be able to swing-out with a Texas Tommy variation and be expecting to learn further variations. If the teacher then has to explain the swing-out from scratch it could take another hour, by which time there is no time for any variation.

    There is no perfect system. Lindy Hop was a street dance people taught to each other and was never designed as a dance form to be taught in classes. This idea is not designed to make people feel that they are being labelled a ‘good dancer’ or otherwise, it’s about being able to identify where we are with our skill level and then aiming to improve that level and reach our potential.

    So, take a look at the ‘Lindy Jazz Levels’ and see if you can identify all the skills that you already have, the skills you wish to review or any new techniques that will take you to the next level.

    Register your interest in the workshops by emailing info@lindy-jazz.co.uk to be the first to hear about upcoming dates.

  4. Studio Hop – by Gillian Scott

    August 19, 2014 by Joo-Lee

    Gillian Blog


    Gillian, our Balboa teacher at Lindy Jazz spent an amazing week in France at Studio Hop Summer Camp Balboa week in August. See what she got up to . . . .

    What’s that? A whole week of Balboa workshops and parties that’s what!

    A chance to learn from top teachers such as Sylvia Sykes, Nick Williams, Mickey and Kelly, and social dancing all night every night with 250 like minded dancers from all over the globe. Balboa heaven!

    The camp takes place in Eauze in the south of France surrounded by vineyards and fields of sunflowers. There are classes from beginners to ninja level so there is something for everyone.

    There were 4/5 hours of classes a day, but plenty of opportunity to rest in between and enjoy the sunshine and Floc (the local brew….)

    I learned so much and I loved having the opportunity to spend a whole week just concentrating on improving my Balboa and I have loads to practice now.

    Going to dance camps is a great way to take your dancing to the next level and to put your skills into practice. It’s also a great way to make new friends.

    You don’t have to go all the way to France for a week though, there are lots of weekend dance camps in this country – including our very own DJam!

    So why not give it a go and expand your dance horizons.

    Oh, and I’m planning on going back to Summer Camp Balboa week next year – who’s up for joining me?

  5. “Getting Back to Nature”

    August 1, 2014 by Joo-Lee

    “Getting Back to Nature”

    Swing Summit 4

    Each year we take a week out of our normal working routine to attend ‘Swing Summit Teachers Training Week’ in the Ardéche, France.

    For 7 whole days we’re surrounded by dancers from, Germany, Austria, Prague, Moscow, Portugal, Switzerland and of course, France. This year there were 5 teachers from the UK, including myself, Andy and Gillian!

    Our days are filled with lectures, training sessions, workshops, dancing and practices. We even gave workshops and DJ’d, receiving some great feedback, which means a great deal when you’re audience consists of 50 AMAZING teachers, dancers and DJs!!!

    It’s not all-hard work though…

    There’s free time to sit and chat, or swim in the outdoor pool and each day we start with breakfast in the sunshine, surrounded by ‘Nature’ (a term that seems to cover everything from the abundance of plum trees to a shortage of water) and the odd cat or 2 stuck up a tree!

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    The inspirational dancers and teachers we spent time with all believe feedback is important as it helps us to improve more quickly. We learnt how to be receptive when feedback is offered to us and how to give more suitable, relevant and useful feedback to others.

    I feel that the feedback I received personally helped me to look at my own dancing in a more balanced way, considering the things I am good at and the things I would like to improve on. I regard feedback as a gift and would love to share this gift with everyone at Lindy Jazz! If you’re interested in receiving more feedback just ask Andy or myself.

    Roll on next Swing Summit. What a great opportunity to improve our own dancing; recharge the dance batteries; refresh those dance mojos and… “Get Back to Nature”!

  6. A little more than just a dancing partner

    July 24, 2014 by Joo-Lee

    We don’t usually play cupid in our classes but Scott Cupit and Joo-Lee Stock knew they had to do something when they saw Toby and Vicci at a Lindy Jazz workshop one Saturday afternoon. See what Vicci has to say. . . .

    Swing dancing is such a sociable hobby; you get to interact with so many people in a short space of time, especially thanks to Joo-Lee’s “thirty second relationship” rule during class rotations! Seriously, though, dancing provides you with a great social life – and not just at the weekly classes, as many dancers meet up socially away from the dance floor as well.

    I started swing dancing in 2009 about a year after graduating from university; many of my friends from my four years of study had moved away and I found myself, as many new graduates do, facing the realisation that my life would now consist of full-time work and far less fun. I didn’t want my work colleagues to be the only people I saw! I didn’t join Lindy Jazz specifically looking for a partner but, like most singletons (I suppose), I was open to the possibility of meeting someone.

    I first met Toby, who I will be marrying on 24th July next year, in As You Like It at one of Joo-Lee’s Blues nights in late 2009. But that was that for a couple of years; we knew each other to say ‘Hi’ to on the occasional nights that Toby was able to come to Lindy Jazz, since he was working in Scotland until 2013. All that changed in November 2011, when Joo-Lee and Scott Cupit from Swing Patrol in London (maybe you saw his success in Dragons’ Den on Sunday night?) began their match-making… Even after some gentle (ahem, actually, subtle as a slap round the face) encouragement from the two of them, still, no sparks flew. It wasn’t until the Lindy Jazz Snow Ball the following month, when we actually engaged in a conversation beyond “Hi, how are you?” that we decided to give it a go.

    Vicci Tarry

    We still dance together now and then, though definitely not as often as we should. Otherwise hectic lifestyles and a geographically-challenged relationship over the last two years (between us we have lived in Newcastle, Leuchars, Edinburgh, Cambridge, Catalonia and Worcester in that time) have meant we’ve been away from Lindy Jazz for far too long. This will change when we return to the north east properly in September!

    It does seem silly that I now rarely dance with the man I will be spending my life with, as it is a great way to connect. Many people who dance and whose (romantic) partner doesn’t are very envious of people like me who have a dancing partner in more ways than one! We really should make the most of it! As we will both continue to be very busy in the coming year, maybe going to Lindy Jazz together will be the motivation we need to spend quality time together!

  7. Mr. & Mrs. Cheason

    July 4, 2014 by Joo-Lee

    Mr. & Mrs. C Part One – Stephen

    “Some forms of dance don’t have the kind of adrenaline you get with Swing, even with the subtlety of something like Balboa”

    Like any good North East man Stephen (AKA Mr C./Swing Commander) says that he loves his football. His main hobby, however, is dancing. He says he and Tracey have managed to keep it to a minimum and not let it take over their lives… “We’ve kept it down to three, four, five nights a week, a couple of weekends, pretty much every weekend”.

    Stephen says he was less than convinced by the idea of dancing to begin with but when Tracey presented him with a dance school that had its own licensed premises he found it hard to resist … “I thought ah well, there’s a bar, how bad can it be.  At least I can have a drink”. That was 11 years ago!

    Mr & Mrs C 1

    Initially trying various dances including Latin, Ballroom and Modern Jive the lure of tasselly dresses proved too much… for Tracey and so they came to Lindy Jazz. Although still dancing Latin, Ballroom and Argentine Tango socially Mr. C has an obvious soft spot for Swing dancing. He says it’s sociable, high energy, has a good buzz about it and is a great mood lifter

    Stephen’s favourite memory is reaching the final of the ‘Jack & Jill’ competition at DJam 2013, his first ever competition! “Ultimately I didn’t win, but it was just great to be considered good enough to compete with 4 or 5 of what I would consider the best guys dancing in the UK”

    To anyone thinking of coming to Lindy Jazz Mr C says you need a few lessons before you start to relax. “If you already knew how to do it you wouldn’t need to come to classes. I’ve seen lots of people come and think they’re not able to learn this but almost everybody who has persevered has learnt it!”


    Mr. & Mrs. C Part Two – Tracey

    Mr & Mrs C 2

    “Lindy Jazz was different. There was a good crowd getting involved from the start, that’s why we stayed and ended up dancing more and more”

    Tracey (AKA Mrs. C) loves dancing! A Contracts Engineer for a manufacturing company by day, Tracey seizes every opportunity to immerse herself in dance. When she’s not learning to dance or dancing socially, you’ll find her attending music gigs or at the theatre – she saw Ballroom stars Vincent and Flavia perform live the other week!

    Ever since she was young (and saw Dirty Dancing) Tracey had wanted to dance and with the art of gentle persuasion (otherwise known as a bar and the fact Darren Gough won ‘Strictly Come Dancing’!) she convinced Stephen to give it a go. “When we first learnt we went on a cruise and just used to get up and dance and find our own way, we really enjoyed it”

    After trying Latin, Ballroom, Salsa and Modern Jive as a result of a 40s weekend in Pickering, they decided to give Swing dancing a go and stumbled upon a Charleston class – cue Lindy Jazz. 5-years later they’re still with us and we couldn’t do without them!

    The best memory for Tracey is when she and Stephen were invited to the RAF Summer Ball 2-years ago, where they taught a taster class to the Officers and their wives. Tracey thoroughly enjoyed teaching a mixed ability group and was so enthusiastic about the experience, “you could see elements of the dance we were teaching and people really enjoyed it”

    If you’re new to dancing Mrs. C says, “Come and give it a go. Everybody’s friendly! You can have fun and we don’t take it too seriously at all. It’s about getting yourself moving on the dance floor”. Truer words have never been spoken.

    Next time you’re at Lindy Jazz grab Mr. or Mrs. C for a dance, I can guarantee you’ll feel relaxed and have tons of fun!

  8. Dance at EAT

    June 26, 2014 by Joo-Lee

    Lindy Jazz has been invited by the organisers of Newcastle/Gateshead EAT Festival to be part of their “Tea & Cake Planet” event on 28th-29th June. Obviously we said yes because what could be more up our street than an opportunity to drink tea & eat cake and of course, dance!

    Come along on Saturday or Sunday (or both!) to join in with Joo-Lee’s ‘tempting’ taster sessions, enjoy ‘lip-smacking’ live music from a variety of bands AND dance to the ‘scrumptious’ sounds of our very own DJ’s Andy and Gillian!

    EAT Programme 25.6.14 SOSO

    And if that wasn’t enough, ‘All That Jazz’ will also be there. We asked one of their members to tell us what treats they have on the menu for us at EAT:

    “All That Jazz is an all-girl vintage dance troupe, bringing the frivolity and glamour of the Jazz Age to events in the North East.

    Performing to music from and inspired by the 1920s & 1930s; the routines combine the stylish, sassy moves of Jazz with the quirky fun of the Charleston and are guaranteed to add pizzazz to any event.

    At the EAT Festival, we’ll be performing a Charleston routine to an up-tempo ragtime pop track, littered with harmonicas, trumpets and jaunty percussion – guaranteed to lift the spirits and get the feet tapping.

    We’ll also be performing ‘The Big Apple’ a classic routine from the 1930s named after the Big Apple club in Columbia where it is said to have originated, it’s high energy and fun filled choreography make it the perfect partner for a summer event!

    Still want more? We’re also throwing in a Shim Sham, an emblem of the international nature of the swing community danced to Jimmy Lunceford’s “’Tain’t What You Do” and a cheeky little Charleston number to The Squirrel Nut Zippers’ ‘Put a Lid on It’.”

    So come along dressed in your vintage finery and sink your teeth into a weekend of tea, cake, music and dancing. Why not add a splash of red to your outfit to give it a Lindy Jazz twist?!

    We look forward to seeing you there!



  9. Blues Fever

    June 12, 2014 by Joo-Lee


    Whether you’re still thriving on the buzz from Blues Fever at the beginning of June or wishing you’d been a part of it, we’ve got great news! It’s only 23 sleeps until Blues Fever sweeps through Durham and we’re immersed in blissful blues once again!

    Vicci & Adamo will be arriving on July 4th ready to kick-start the dancing with a taster session at our Blues Speakeasy on the Friday night. Come along to Empty Shop and get yourself warmed up for what promises to be a fantastic weekend of Blues.

    This time ‘Blues Fever’ brings you a workshop with a twist… after a late night of dancing we’re giving you a lie in on Saturday morning and starting our workshops at 14:45 (Teacher’s Workshop) or 16:00 (Dancer’s Workshop)! Too excited to sleep late? Why not take this opportunity to book a private lesson with Vicci & Adamo?


    Forget that lull between workshop and party! The slightly later start time also means we’ll be making a seamless transition from Workshop to Blues Party allowing your blues bubble to stay intact and giving you plenty of time to practice in a blues party atmosphere, with no time to forget what you’ve learnt!

    As if this wasn’t enough we’ve got a second workshop on the Sunday! This time specifically for experienced Blues Dancers who are already teaching or are thinking of learning to teach Blues. Vicci & Adamo are passionate about both dancing and teaching, so cannot wait to share this workshop with you!

    Workshops and private lessons slots are filling up fast so grab this opportunity to book a place now and fall under the blues spell! Simply email events@lindy-jazz.co.uk.

  10. Swing Sisters

    May 23, 2014 by Joo-Lee

    G E Tshirts 3a


    Meet Gillian…

    “The thing I like about it is that it’s all ages. Everybody is just a dancer and I like that. It adds to the variety and the richness”

    Gillian is a full-time Lindy Jazz volunteer/teacher/DJ/ who enjoys dancing in a performance group-‘All That Jazz’; making cards; baking and decorating cakes AND in her “spare” time works 5 days a week!!!

    She loves to use her imagination and be creative and enjoys it when she’s given space to use “artistic license”. Her favourite wedding creation was a 3-tier cake with sugar Freesias (Gillian loves Freesias) in all the colours of spring.

    According to Gillian, her sister Eileen tried to teach her to dance Rock ‘n’ Roll for ages but to no avail. After seeing lessons advertised in her local paper she persuaded Eileen to go along with her assuming it was “some sort of Rock ‘n’ Roll class where I’d finally get to learn to do this thing”.

    Guess what, it wasn’t. It was actually a Lindy Hop class with Joo-Lee and Andy!

    7 years later Gillian’s still with Lindy Jazz and I think we can all agree, she’s definitely learned to dance! She says she still remembers how intimidating and scary it can feel to be a beginner, which is why she likes teaching our Review class and why we think she’s so good at it.

    Despite Gillian’s initial reaction of, “Lindy Hop, what’s that then?” she now has an intense appreciation for the dance, which has lead her to her true love, Balboa*. Gillian loves the subtlety of both dances but says of Balboa,” You really feel that connection with your partner, it’s personal, it’s between you and them and I like that”.

     Gillian says Lindy Jazz has opened up a whole new world for her. She loves the social side of dancing and describes the world of Lindy Hop as a big social network, family and community. Normally the quiet one in the corner, Gillian has made loads of friends, traveled to lots of places and had experiences she says she would never have had.

    The first time Gillian traveled outside of Durham to dance was to Edinburgh Lindy Exchange with a small group of friends, including Eileen, and she says they were like “scared rabbits!”. Her favourite memory is returning to ELX a couple of years later and finding she was amongst friends, felt she belonged and had found a second home.

    To anyone wanting to come to Lindy Jazz Gillian says just give it a go. “It can lead to so many fantastic things and you might surprise yourself. I surprise myself constantly with what I’ve managed to achieve!”

    “We’re really friendly, know what it’s like to be new and won’t make you do anything you don’t want to. Take the plunge and just come and see. Don’t stress, listen to the music, have a cup of tea, a natter and a dance and just let it gradually take you over.”

    *You can see Gillian teach Balboa on the first Monday of the month at Lindy Jazz.

     Meet Eileen…

    “The music makes you feel good so everybody feels good and it vibrates around the room”

    Like Gillian, Eileen is also a Lindy Jazz volunteer, teacher and expert cake baker. She is retired but needless to say, you rarely see her sitting still! She lives close to both Gillian and their brother but also has 2 children and 4 grandchildren.

    She likes all handicrafts, DIY, gardening and has an eclectic taste in music. Dancing is Eileen’s social life and every August she and a group of fellow dancers pack their tents up and head off to Twinwood. Eileen says this floats her boat big style because she likes camping, they play her music all weekend AND she gets to dress in 1940’s style.

    When she was younger Eileen used to go to the local dance to learn things like the old time Waltz, Boston Two Step and Veleta. Then in the 60’s she substituted this for ‘Bop’, teaching herself by practicing to music on the radio.

    Eileen says she avoided the dance styles and music of the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s simply because they weren’t for her and returned to dancing 7 years ago with Gillian. They were both looking for something to do exercise wise and that’s when they stumbled upon an advert in the local paper.

    Cue Lindy Jazz and the rehabilitation of Eileen’s twice broken knee!

    Not knowing what Lindy Hop was Eileen decided that “it had to be a bit more exciting than the Waltz!” and went along for the ride. She was terrified when she started the Durham class. With encouragement from Joo-Lee and Andy and some perseverance she’s still here 7 years later… thank goodness, we don’t know what we’d do without her!

    Eileen swears doing Lindy Hop has made her knee 80% better than it was and puts this down to weight bearing during dancing as well as the Lindy Jazz atmosphere saying, “Everybody’s happy, everybody’s smiling, you can’t help smiling when you do Lindy. You come feeling depressed and half way through your mood has changed”.

     As for favourite memories Eileen says she’s got so many it’s hard to choose! The first one that springs to mind is when she won the ‘Jack and Jill’ competition at Snowball, which she described as a brilliant experience. Funnily enough though she too mentions that first visit to ELX, also describing herself and Gillian as “scared rabbits”.

    Eileen says if you’re thinking of trying Lindy Jazz just give it a go but don’t just come once, come for at least 6-weeks. She says that way you’ll get to experience Balboa, Blues, Charleston and Lindy Hop, and how they intermingle with each other and help with your dancing.

    “You’ll make so many friends and it opens up a world of places to go, people to meet and things to do” plus it’s good exercise. Eileen is literally a walking advert for why dancing is good for you and in her opinion it’s a much better way to keep fit than the gym.

    Eileen’s parting words? “If you’ve got knee problems come to Lindy Jazz, it’s medicinal!”